What to Write When Forwarding an Email Sample

In this article, we will explore the art of crafting effective email forwards that maintain clarity and respect for the original message. We’ll dive into the intricacies of what to write when forwarding an email, providing concrete examples that you can seamlessly adapt to your own needs. Whether you’re a seasoned professional, a budding entrepreneur, or a student navigating the digital landscape, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and skills to forward emails like a pro.

The Perfect Structure for Forwarding an Email

Forwarding an email can be a powerful tool for sharing information, but it’s important to do it right. A well-structured forwarded email is clear, concise, and easy to understand. It should also respect the privacy of the original sender and recipients.

Here are the key elements of a great forwarded email:

  • A clear subject line. The subject line should accurately reflect the content of the email and make it easy for the recipient to identify. Avoid using vague or generic subject lines like “FW: Interesting article” or “FYI.”
  • A brief introduction. In the body of the email, start with a brief introduction that explains why you’re forwarding the email and what the recipient can expect to find inside. This is especially important if you’re forwarding an email to someone who doesn’t know the original sender.
  • The forwarded email. Paste the forwarded email below your introduction. Make sure to include the original subject line and sender information. If you’re forwarding only a portion of the email, clearly indicate which part you’re including.
  • A closing. End the email with a closing that thanks the recipient for their time and invites them to contact you if they have any questions. You can also use the closing to provide additional context or instructions, if necessary.

Here’s an example of a well-structured forwarded email:

Subject: FW: Important update from the CEO
Body: Hi team,

I’m forwarding this email from the CEO with an important update on the company’s strategic direction. Please take a few minutes to read it and let me know if you have any questions.


Forwarded Email: From: [email protected]
Subject: Important update from the CEO

Dear team,

I’m writing to share some exciting news about the company’s strategic direction. Over the past few months, we’ve been working on a plan to transform our business and position ourselves for long-term growth. I’m thrilled to announce that we’re launching a new product line that will revolutionize the way our customers do business.

The new product line is called “XYZ,” and it’s a suite of software tools that will help businesses of all sizes to manage their operations more efficiently. XYZ is a cloud-based solution that’s easy to use and affordable, and it’s backed by our team of world-class engineers and support staff.

I believe that XYZ has the potential to change the way businesses operate. It’s a game-changing product that will help our customers to be more productive, efficient, and profitable.

I’m confident that XYZ will be a huge success, and I’m excited to share this news with you. Thank you for your hard work and dedication, and I look forward to seeing what we can accomplish together in the years to come.

[CEO Name]

This email is well-structured and easy to understand. The subject line is clear and informative, the introduction provides a brief explanation of why the email is being forwarded, the forwarded email is included in its entirety, and the closing thanks the recipient for their time and invites them to contact the sender with any questions.

What to Write When Forwarding an Email

What to Write When Forwarding an Email Sample

When you’re forwarding an email, it’s important to be clear and concise about why you’re sending it and what you want the recipient to do. Here are some tips for writing an effective email forward:

  • Keep it brief.
  • State your purpose.
  • Provide context.
  • Be specific.
  • Use a clear subject line.
  • Proofread your email.

Here are some sample email forwards that you can use as inspiration:

  • Subject: FW: Important update from [sender’s name]


    Hi [recipient’s name],

    I’m forwarding you this email from [sender’s name] because I think it’s important for you to see. It contains an update on the [project name] project that you’re working on.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

    [Your name]

  • Subject: FW: Request for feedback


    Hi [recipient’s name],

    I’m forwarding you this email from [sender’s name] because I’d like to get your feedback on the [document name] document.

    Please take a look at the document and let me know what you think. I’d appreciate your feedback by [date].

    [Your name]

  • Subject: FW: Invitation to [event name]


    Hi [recipient’s name],

    I’m forwarding you this email from [sender’s name] because I think you might be interested in attending the [event name] event.

    The event will be held on [date] at [time] at [location].

    Please let me know if you’re interested in attending.

    [Your name]

FAQs: What to Write When Forwarding an Email Sample

What is the purpose of forwarding an email?

Forwarding an email allows you to share the content of the email with another person who may not have been included in the original distribution list.

What are some common reasons for forwarding an email?

There are many reasons why you might forward an email, such as to provide information, request feedback, share an interesting article or video, or keep someone in the loop on a conversation.

What should I include in the subject line when I forward an email?

When forwarding an email, it is a good practice to update the subject line to reflect the new context or to provide a brief summary of the email’s contents.

What should I include in the body of the email when I forward an email?

When forwarding an email, you should include a brief message in the body of the email to explain why you are forwarding it and to provide any additional context or instructions.

What are some things to keep in mind when forwarding an email?

Before forwarding an email, you should consider the following: the sensitivity of the information, the recipient’s relationship to the sender and the purpose of the original email.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when forwarding an email?

Some common mistakes to avoid when forwarding an email include not updating the subject line, not providing a brief message, and not considering the sensitivity of the information.

How can I forward an email without including the original attachments?

If you want to forward an email without including the original attachments, you can use the “forward as text” option in your email client.

Thanks for Reading!

I hope this article has been helpful in providing you with some tips on what to write when forwarding an email. Remember, the key is to be concise and clear, and to provide enough context so that the recipient can understand why you’re sending them the email.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your forwarded emails are effective and well-received. Thanks again for reading, and be sure to visit again soon for more tips and advice on email etiquette and communication.